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From the beginning of our digital scholarship efforts, we knew that providing adequate training and support to students would be key. Our first support resource was the DS help site, and it offered considerable detail to support beginning and advanced digital scholarship but we eventually saw the need to develop a set of online tutorials to train students. In 2016, then, we launched a new site, built using a digital badge plugin to support a stepwise, scaffolding online learning process and offer students the opportunity to display and share online certificates of their accomplishments. The tutorial site covered two levels of digital scholarship: users (students who posted on sites such as ENVS 160 or Overseas, for whom technical skills such as formatting images and embedding content from other sites would add considerable value), and admins (students who authored and administered their own DS sites, for whom a wide range of skills would be required). The DS tutorial site ultimately served approximately 150 Lewis & Clark students, who earned over 1750 digital badges for their training work.